AAD Licensing program content offerings
Practice management licensing opportunities
Navigating the health care environment can be tricky and difficult to understand. We've designed our practice management content to provide practical, easy-to-understand tools and guidance to help in a variety of areas, including coding and reimbursement, and MIPS.
Practice management topic areas
Coding and Reimbursement
Managing a Practice
Prior Authorization
Evaluating Practice Models
Burnout Resources
Quality Measures
Clinical Guidelines
Athletes and Skin cancer
Children and Skin cancer
Men 50+ and Skin cancer
Outdoor workers and Skin cancer
Skin cancer: You can prevent it
Prior Authorization Letter Generator
Access resources designed to help patients navigate prior authorization, drug pricing, and step therapy issues. To learn more, visit Prior Authorization Tools (AAD website login required).
License and Distribute the AAD/A Prior Authorization Tool
Content revised annually by AAD members
Provides robust clinical documentation
Currently supports over 50 drugs
New FDA-approved drugs added regularly
Streamline appeals for over 50 dermatology drugs with our letter tool. Create customizable letters with medical rationales and references written by AAD members. Please note that personal information entered into the prior authorization tool is not saved by the AAD nor shared with any entity.