2025 AAD Annual Meeting: Resident Jeopardy

Test your dermatologic knowledge in an exciting game show format!
Take pride in showcasing your institution and be part of the excitement at Resident Jeopardy during the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting. This thrilling, high-energy adaptation of the iconic television game show, "Jeopardy", offers a stimulating self-assessment trivia challenge where teams demonstrate their expertise in dermatology!
This session welcomes all Annual Meeting attendees, allowing audience members to participate in self-assessment. It promises a delightful and engaging experience for everyone!
Resident Jeopardy (Symposium S038)
Saturday, March 8, 2025
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Participants should plan to be present for the entire session.)
Members of the victorious team will enjoy exclusive benefits, including complimentary registration for the 2026 AAD Annual Meeting, a prestigious trophy, and the coveted title of champions, granting them bragging rights for a full year.
Eligibility requirements
Participation is open to residents only.
In order to participate in the Resident Jeopardy session, you must be registered for the AAD Annual Meeting. If you do not plan to attend the meeting, we kindly ask that you refrain from signing up.
Both team members should be from the same institute.
Join the fun
Submission deadline is Friday, February 28, 2025. Email notifications will be sent to the teams in March.
Sign-up via emailHow to sign up
To join the fun, please send the following information to speakers@aad.org.
Team name: Get creative and have fun with it!
Contestant details for both residents should include:
- Institution
- Year of training for both contestants
- Email address for both contestants
- A phone number where both contestants can be easily reached (cell preferred)
Fun facts: Share an interesting or fun fact about your team or individual members! Be creative - here are some examples to get you started:
- Scariest thing you've ever done
- What's on your bucket list
- Hidden talent (backflip? talk like Elmo?)
- Favorite food, place, or person (Taylor Swift?)
Example of proper sign-up submission:
Participant 1 -
Team name: Team Lobomycosis
Jimmy Johns, Hitchcock Medical Center, PGY-2, jjohns@gmail.com, cell- 555-555-5555
I once watched a Netflix series for 24 hours straight without sleep while devouring 3 large pizzas.
Participant 2 -
Team name: Team Lobomycosis
Justin Thyme, Hitchcock Medical Center, PGY-3, Jthyme@gmail.com, cell 666-666-6666
I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order in 64 seconds.