2025 AAD Annual Meeting: Affiliate groups

Affiliate function space request
The AAD welcomes affiliated organizations to meet and host various functions during designated and AAD approved dates and times in conjunction with the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, March 7-11, 2025. Please note: Affiliate function events include specialty society meetings, publication editorial board meetings, and university reunion events.
The AAD manages the approval of affiliate functions at all AAD official hotels. To request meeting space, all eligible groups must complete a space request form for every function held during the 2025 Annual Meeting. Definition of eligibility can be found at the bottom of the page with links to the request forms.
If the function is approved, space will be assigned (if requested) from the AAD Meetings and Conventions staff. Hotels are instructed not to assign meeting space to affiliate organizations unless approval has been received from the AAD.
Approval is required for all affiliate functions, independent of whether the organization is requesting function space.
Affiliate and reunion group function listing
Affiliate and reunion group functions will be listed on the 2025 Annual Meeting mobile app, prior to the start of the meeting (Exhibitor functions will not be included in this listing).
Space assignment deadline
The priority space application deadline is Wednesday, October 16, 2024. Space may be requested after this date, but will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Initial space assignments will be emailed on or after November 1, 2024.
Space considerations
Fill out a form for each space request. Example: If the group has a meeting and a lunch and wants each in a separate room, please fill out separate applications for each room.
Requests for multiple rooms near each other will be considered, but not guaranteed.
Groups may request a maximum of one room at the main hotel for more than one day on a 24-hour basis.
Once meeting space is assigned
Once you receive the space assignment/approval, you will work directly with the hotel/venue to set-up billing and confirm the details of the event. You must contract with the assigned hotel. Food and beverage minimums and/or meeting room rental charges may apply. If you cancel your function, you may be liable to pay a cancellation fee to the hotel.
In planning your meeting(s), make note that the scientific program will start Friday, March 7, 2025, at 7:30 a.m. and end Tuesday, March 11, 2025, at 12:15 p.m. Policies and guidelines for functions will be outlined on the submission form.
Space request forms
Please select the application that corresponds with your affiliation. Space requests that do not fall into one of the categories below will not be approved for space. Approval for meeting space will not be granted to non-exhibiting companies that do not qualify in one of the areas listed below.
Affiliate events
Affiliate/Reunion Group Function Request Form: (Includes: specialty society meetings, publication editorial board meetings, and university reunion events). Please review the 2025 Affiliate Policies and Guidelines (PDF) before submitting your request.
Questions on affiliate functions
Please email AADEventRequest@aad.org and a member of the Meetings & Conventions staff will respond.
Exhibitor meeting & event requests
The AAD welcomes exhibiting companies and companies affiliated with exhibiting companies to meet and host various functions during designated and AAD approved dates and times in conjunction with the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.
The AAD manages the approval of exhibitor functions at all AAD official hotels. To request meeting space, all eligible exhibitors must complete a meeting and event request form for every function held during the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting. This includes requests for offices for exhibiting companies, third-party companies representing exhibiting companies, international divisions of confirmed domestic exhibitors, and international companies with co-marketing agreements with confirmed exhibitors. Approval for meeting space will not be granted to non-exhibiting companies that do not qualify in one of the areas listed above.
Definition of eligibility can be found in Exhibitor Planning Resources, or in the Policies and Guidelines for Exhibitor Meetings and Events (PDF).
Exhibitor meetings & events
Exhibiting companies and companies affiliated with exhibiting companiesĀ MUST fill out theĀ Exhibitor Meetings & Events Request Form. This includes requests for offices for exhibiting companies, third-party companies representing exhibiting companies, international divisions of confirmed domestic exhibitors, and international companies with co-marketing agreements with confirmed exhibitors. Approval for meeting space will not be granted to non-exhibiting companies that do not qualify in one of the areas listed above.
Questions on exhibitor meetings & events
Please email exhibits@aad.org and a member of the Meetings & Conventions staff will respond.