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2025 AAD Annual Meeting: Non-member registration

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Categories that don't require additional documentation

The following two categories do not require any additional documentation but must meet the requirements below to register.

Non-member physician

  • For those who treat patients in an office-like setting

Non-member non-physician

  • For non-member corporate individuals, pharmacists, distributors, industry representatives, marketers, business developers, and scientists/researchers, CEO, COO, or Director-level titles working in the field of dermatology. This also includes aestheticians and cosmetologists and all employees affiliated with aesthetician or cosmetologist procedures.

Categories that require additional documentation

The following categories are required to have an Access ID# to register. If you have not requested and received an Access ID#, you will need to credential and register on-site at the meeting. The online request process closed Thursday, Feb. 20. The required documentation is outlined below for each category. Please be sure your documentation contains all the required items below, otherwise your registration will be denied.

Residents and medical fellows (includes research fellowships)

  • For those who are not AAD graduate members.

  • Participation in a training program must be ongoing at the time of the meeting and have a scheduled end date.

  • REQUIRED: Official letter from an educational or training institution validating participation in the program. This letter needs to be signed, reflect a current date, and list the start date and anticipated end date of the training program.

Medical students

  • Participation in a medical program must be ongoing at the time of the meeting.

  • REQUIRED: Official letter from an educational or training institution validating your medical student status. This letter needs to be signed, reflect a current date, and list the start date and anticipated end date of the training program.

Care team (PA/NP/RN/LPN)

  • Must be employed by an AAD member dermatologist.

  • Employing physician does not need to attend the meeting.

  • This category refers to the specific PA, NP, RN, LPN, and other nurse licensure commonly found in the U.S. and Canada. This category is not available to physicians assisting other physicians.

  • REQUIRED: Copy of your current medical license.

  • REQUIRED: Letter of sponsorship from your employing physician. The sponsorship letter must be signed and have a current date.

Dermatology practice staff

  • This category is intended for those who work in a dermatology practice and who provide patient services. Some examples of acceptable dermatology practice staff roles would be front desk, medical records, referral clerk, insurance billing, coding, and histotechnicians. This is not for physicians, researchers, CEO, COO, or Director-level titles, aestheticians, cosmetologists, or any employees affiliated with aesthetician or cosmetic procedures.

  • Must be employed by a practicing dermatologist.

  • Employing physician does not need attend the meeting.

  • REQUIRED: A signed and currently dated letter of sponsorship from your employing dermatologist. The letter must be on practice letterhead and state that you are currently working for him/her in their practice. It must also state your role in the practice. 

*Although not part of the typical non-member process, it’s worth noting that those with a Guest badge will have access to the Opening Ceremony, Plenary and the Exhibit hall on Sunday, March 9, 2025 only. Those with an Exhibitor badge will have access to the Opening Ceremony, Plenary, and the Exhibit hall only. Meeting registration in an appropriate, alternative category is required to attend any educational sessions. 
