2025 AAD Innovation Academy: Hotel reservations, rates, and locations

Hotel reservations
The hotel reservation deadline is Friday, June 18, 2025, at 12 p.m. noon (CT). Guest rooms are being held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago for those booking through the AAD Housing Office at the AAD discounted meeting rates.
Hotel reservations must be made in conjunction with registration for the meeting. Availability cannot be guaranteed for reservations received after the housing deadline of June 18, 2025, at 12 p.m. noon (CT).
Depending on demand, additional hotels may be added and information is subject to change at any time.
Maritz Global Events (MGE) is the only AAD Official Housing Provider.
Hotel map, rates, and descriptions
Find information on hotel locations and rates. Hotel reservations must be made in conjunction with registration for the meeting.
View hotel locations & ratesRegistration & hotel cancellations and policies
Looking for information on registration and hotel policies, including cancellations and changing reservations? Access policies and cancellations.