About the Advisory Board

What is the Advisory Board?
The Advisory Board (AB) is a committee of the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD/A) Boards of Directors. As such, the AB operates under the auspices of the AAD/A Boards of Directors in accordance with the AAD/A Bylaws, Administrative Regulations, and Board Governance Policies.
What is the Advisory Board’s mission?
The mission of the AB is to protect, promote, and preserve the interests of the individual practitioner of dermatology by:
Providing a forum for AAD/A members to present policy proposals for consideration by the AAD/A Boards of Directors; and
Serving as a conduit of information between the AAD/A, the represented societies, and the AAD/A Boards of Directors; and
Disseminating information on AAD/A policies and other issues vital to AAD/A members’ patients and practices.
Which societies qualify to have Advisory Board representation?
State, regional, and local dermatology societies that are categorized as a 501(c)3 or 501(c)6 organization may select a member of their society who is also an Academy member to serve a minimum two-year term on the AB.
What is the role of the society representative?
AB members role:
Share information between the AAD/A and their society.
Participate in the resolution process and share updates throughout the year with their sponsoring societies.
Serve in this position for a minimum of two (2) years.
Annually attend the two General Business meetings of the Advisory Board (in conjunction with the AAD Annual and Innovation Academy Meetings).
Provide a 10-minute presentation to their membership at their society’s annual meeting.
Facilitate a discussion of pending Advisory Board resolutions with members of their society prior to biannual Advisory Board business meetings.
Attend the AADA Legislative Conference (yearly).
In addition, this representative may be asked to assist other members of their organization in crafting thoughtful resolutions for submission or presenting resolutions on behalf of their organization. Ideally, this representative would either be a sitting member of their Board of Directors or have access to the Board to facilitate two-way communication between the Academy and their organization.
For more information on the Advisory Board, please contact Academy staff at advisoryboard@aad.org.
Related Academy resources
Update your disclosure of outside interests statement.
See who is currently serving on the Board of Directors and review minutes.
Learn about CCTF structure, members, and how to participate.