We are battling detrimental Medicare payment cuts

As our top federal legislative priority, your Academy has been fighting all year against Medicare payment cuts of 8.5% or more that are scheduled to begin on Jan. 1, 2023. These scheduled cuts are on top of payment reductions that took effect this year, and, without a long-term solution, Medicare cuts are projected in future years as well.
The AADA is asking Congress to:
Eliminate the nearly 4.5% cut to the conversion factor proposed for the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.
Eliminate the 4% cut triggered by congressional Pay as You Go rules (PAYGO).
Provide an inflation-based update in 2023 tied to the Medicare Economic Index.
We are here for you in the fight to protect your patients and practices, but we’re not doing it alone. With your help, we have met with more than 250 members of Congress and their staff and sent 7,300 messages and counting to Capitol Hill in the fight against these payment cuts.
With our collective efforts, we successfully pushed for the introduction of HR 8800, the Supporting Medicare Providers Act of 2022, that would eliminate the 4.5% cut to the conversion factor proposed in the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.
Please continue to join us in the fight against these dangerous payment cuts. Join your colleagues in urging your elected officials to replace scheduled Medicare cuts with positive payment updates before the end of the year.