Impact Report — Vol. 3, Issue 2

Seen, heard, valued.
The AAD/A Impact Report isn’t just a chronicle of Academy wins for our members (although it is that, too), it’s an ongoing confirmation that we are listening to you, responding to your needs, and giving you the tools you require to grow in your profession.
Read about our most current advocacy efforts, specialty positioning initiatives, and practice management resources, as well as the many benefits your membership offers below.
Advocating for you
We advocate on Capitol Hill and with private payers to protect your patients and your practice.

Advocating to avert the cuts is the Academy’s number one legislative priority this year.

As a result of the Academy’s advocacy efforts, the FDA discussed ways to minimize the burden of the iPLEDGE REMS Program.

The AADA successfully pushed for the delay of a burdensome modifier 25 policy.

We defeated scope expansion bills in partnership with state dermatology and medical societies.

AADA successfully advocated for clarification of prior authorization requirements for Medicare Advantage plans and the Part D Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit.

Over 120 attended the event and 11 AADA physician members provided 87 free skin cancer screenings.

AADA staff discussed how the Academy can collaborate with the White House on reducing the rates of skin cancer nationwide.
Positioning the specialty
In the news and out in the world, we continue to position you as the experts, and the public is listening.

Our consumer positioning strategy is successful in traditional and social media.

Media reports new advances in dermatology from our Annual Meeting.

Our annual awareness campaign continues to educate the public on the dangers, risks, and treatments of skin cancer.

Thanks to Academy efforts, including Your Dermatologist Knows, public traffic to the AAD website remains high.

When the mpox emergency began, we quickly formed a task force to address it and provide members and the public with guidance.
Member benefits
We know how important member benefits are to you — here’s a taste of what the Academy has to offer.

The AAD has developed a new digital course for you focusing on genital skin exams.

These resources will help dermatologists provide timely support and advocacy for those who are trafficked.

The Academy’s on-demand guideline education courses help you stay up to date in dermatologic care.

Use the AAD’s online Continuing Professional Development Transcript Program to document your CME and other educational activities to send to a licensing body.

Your Academy focuses its educational offerings on the topics you ask for.