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Your Dermatologist Knows garners major media hits

Image for Your Dermatologist Knows garners major media hits

Since its launch in October of 2022, the Academy’s Your Dermatologist Knows consumer positioning strategy has seen major successes in the realm of print, TV, and online media. To date, Your Dermatologist Knows-related efforts by the Academy in 2024 have resulted in over 4,700 media placements in major publications, which has resulted in more than 17.3 billion impressions.

Some of the top-performing media wins include:

  • Articles in the Washington Post, NPR, and ABC, some which feature AAD President Seemal R. Desai, MD, FAAD, discussing the dangers of counterfeit Botox injections;

  • An NBC News article based on the Academy’s Annual Meeting news release about photocontact dermatitis; and

  • A New York Times article discussing the risk of antimicrobial resistance.

Pitching news stories featuring members of the AAD Media Expert Team is one of the key components of the Your Dermatologist Knows strategy, and these successes have helped millions of people hear about how board-certified dermatologists are the go-to experts on conditions affecting the skin, hair, and nails.