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Impact Report — Vol. 4, Issue 3

Hero image for Impact Report 2024 Issue 3

At the Academy, our number one priority is to support our members. To do that, we are consistently evaluating our initiatives and programs to ensure you are getting the most from your membership. See how we support you through advocacy, read about our success in positioning your expertise with the public, and learn more about the important benefits your membership offers you.

Advocating for you

We advocate on Capitol Hill and with private payers to protect your patients and your practice.

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AADA advocacy secures Medicare payment reform bill

Senate introduces bill addressing payment cuts.

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Academy physician leaders meet with federal legislators

They reiterated the importance of Medicare payment reform.

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Advocacy win: BCBS North Carolina

Payer rescinds its modifier 25 payment reduction policy.

Card image of members at Legislative Conference 2024
Members demand Medicare physician payment reform

Over 200 attend the AADA Legislative Conference.

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AADA secures PBM advocacy wins for dermatology patients

Urges PBMs and payers to improve access to care.

Card image for Fourth of July White House cancer event 2024
AADA attends White House Fourth of July Celebration

Nearly 10,000 people participated in the celebration.

Positioning the specialty

In the news and out in the world, we continue to position you as the experts, and the public is listening.

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Your Dermatologist Knows sees traditional media successes

Thousands of placements reach millions of readers.

Card image for Your Dermatologist Knows social media wins 2024
Your Dermatologist Knows garners strong social media wins

Social media content generates 11.8 million engagements.

Card image for hair loss awareness month
Academy brings Hair Loss Awareness Month to the forefront

Webpages generate nearly 200,000 public views.

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New skin healthy touts your expertise

AAD magazine puts information directly into patients’ hands.

Member benefits

We know how important member benefits are to you — here’s a taste of what the Academy has to offer.

Card image for Coding Resource Center
A hot year, but plenty of code, too

Peruse the Academy’s all new coding resources.

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In plain sight, for all to CME

Check out the latest AAD educational offerings.

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New resources on drug-resistant dermatophytes

AAD also developed a registry for emerging dermatophytes.

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DermWorld ascends to the “Apex” of publications

Earns Grand Award in publishing for outstanding content.

Card image for JAAD
It’s JAAD, again, of course!

JAAD retains its position as the #1 most impactful journal.

Card image for Innovation Academy 2024
AAD settled into Seattle for Innovation Academy

Event featured a talk by famed swimmer Diana Nyad.