Directions in Residency archive
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Spring (PDF)
Feature: Unveiling the complexities of cutaneous drug eruptions in skin of color by Layan Al-Sukhni, MD, Nicolette Glidden, MD, and Tejesh Patel, MD. FAAD
Race for the Case: Spring 2025 by Bryan Daines, DO
Boards Fodder: Approach to longitudinal melanonychia (PDF) by Vixey Silva, DO, Kendall Buchanan, MD, FAAD, and Ashfaq Marghoob, MD, FAAD
Clinical Pearls: Vitiligo Pearls for residents (PDF) by John E. Harris, MD, PhD, FAAD
Inside this issue: Anisha Guda, MD
Winter (PDF)
Feature: Five things residents need to know about hair loss by John Meisenheimer, MD, Lauren Sulochana Mohan, MD, MSc, and Ronda Farah MD, FAAD
Race for the Case: Winter 2024 by Samantha Bizimungu, MD
Boards Fodder: Common hair trichoscopy structures: Histopathological and clinical correlations (PDF) by Mohammad Fardos, DO, Vixey Silva, DO, and Tory Starzyk, DO
Clinical Pearls: Hidradenitis Suppurativa (PDF) by Jennifer Hsiao, MD, FAAD
AAD Annual Meeting preview
Inside this issue: Anisha Guda, MD
Fall (PDF)
Feature: Tackling special site biopsies – what residents need to know by Paloma Madrigal, MD, Amylee Martin, MD, and Ashley Elsensohn, MD, MPH, FAAD
Race for the Case: Fall 2024 by Chiara Rosenbaum, DO, MS
Boards Fodder: Dermoscopic approach to melanocytic lesions of volar skin (PDF) by Vixey Silva, DO, Victoria Starzyk, DO, and Kendall Buchanan, MD, FAAD
Boards Fodder: SLAM microscopic differential diagnosis (PDF) by Chiara Rosenbaum, DO, MS, and Kent J. Krach, MD, FAAD
Clinical Pearls: Melanocytic lesions (PDF) by Vikas Shrivastava, MD, FAAD
Inside this issue: Anisha Guda, MD
Feature: What residents need to know about pregnancy dermatoses by Raina Bembry, MD, and Tejesh Patel, MD, FAAD
Race for the Case: Summer 2024 by Jessica Forbes-Kaprive, DO
Boards Fodder: Dermoscopic structures and their histopathological and clinical correlations (PDF) by Vixey Silva, DO, Victoria Starzyk, DO, and Mohammad Fardos, DO
Clinical pearls: Platelet-rich plasma for alopecia (PDF) by Kim T. Nguyen, BS, and Ronda S. Farah, MD, FAAD
Getting down to business: Using business-focused educational resources in your residency by Jessica Forbes-Kaprive, DO
Inside this issue: Anisha Guda, MD
Feature: Ambassadors assemble! Nationwide efforts inform residents about AAD resources by Morgan Murphrey, MD, MS
Race for the Case: Spring 2024 by Jessica Forbes Kaprive, DO
Boards Fodder: Filler complications (PDF) by Eduardo Michelen-Gomez, MD, Andrea Paola Caro-Muñiz, MD, and Karina J. Cancel-Artau, MD
Clinical pearls: Seborrheic dermatitis 2: more pearls (PDF) by Raj Chovatiya, MD, PhD, MSCI, FAAD
2024 AAD Annual Meeting
Inside this issue: Morgan Murphrey, MD, MS
Feature: Pearls for an excellent job search by Kristen Chen, MD
Race for the Case: Winter 2023 by Andrea Paola Caro Muñiz, MD, and Eduardo-Michelin Gomez, MD
Boards Fodder: Hair transplantation (PDF) by Rahul Nanda, MD, and Thusanth Thuraisingam, MD, PhD, FAAD
Clinical pearls: Seborrheic dermatitis (PDF) by Maryam Safaee, MD, FAAD
Resident Life: Doubling up on learning by Kala Hurst, DO
Inside this issue: Morgan Murphrey, MD, MS
Feature: Straightening Things Out: Answering important questions about ergonomics
Race for the Case: Fall 2023 by Andrea Paola Caro Muñiz, MD, and Marely Santiago Vázquez, MD, FAAD
Boards Fodder: Ticks: Common associated organisms and diseases by Emily Ptasnik, DO, and Alexis Buffington, DO
Resident timeline (PDF) by Morgan Murphrey, MD, MS, and Kristen Chen, MD
Clinical pearls: Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (PDF) by Larisa J. Geskin, MD, FAAD
Resident Life: Challenge and reward by Anthony B. Mak, MD, PhD, FRCPC, DABD
Inside this issue: Morgan Murphrey, MD, MS
Feature: What residents need to know about genital skin exams by Harry Dao Jr., MD, FAAD, Christina N. Kraus, MD, FAAD, and Amylee Martin, MD
Race for the Case: Summer 2023 by Shiri Nawrocki, MD, and Pooja Srivastava, MD
Boards Fodder: Atypical fibroxanthoma (PDF) by Davis C. Diamond, MD, Silas M. Money, MD, and Matthew D. Belcher, MD, FAAD, FACMS
Clinical pearls: DRESS syndrome (PDF) by José Dario Martinez, MD, IFAAD
Resident Life: Mentorship takes many forms by Anisha Guda, MD
Inside this issue: Morgan Murphrey, MD, MS
Feature: What residents need to know about psoriasis – Part 2, by Brad Glick, DO, MPH, FAAD, and George Han, MD, PhD, FAAD
Race for the Case: Spring 2023 by Eduardo Michelen Gómez, MD and Karina Cancel-Artau, MD
Boards Fodder: Cryosurgery (PDF) by Emily Ptasnik, DO, and Chiara Rosenbaum, DO, MS
Clinical pearls: Inpatient dermatology (PDF) by Lindy P. Fox, MD, FAAD
Resident Life: Strong bonds created in residency by Alicia O’Connor, MBBS, BAppSc(PHTY), MPH, FACD
Inside this issue: Naomi Briones, MD
Feature: What residents need to know about psoriasis by Brad Glick, DO, MPH, FAAD, and George Han, MD, PhD, FAAD
Race for the Case: Winter 2022 by Eduardo Michelen Gómez, MD and Marely Santiago-Vázquez, MD, FAAD
Boards Fodder: Procedural modalities for scar revision (PDF) by Michael J. Visconti, DO, Emily R. Davis, DO, and Kent J. Krach, MD, FAAD
Clinical pearls: Atopic dermatitis (PDF) by Raj Chovatiya, MD, PhD, FAAD
Resident Life: Freedom Ink restores dignity to community lives by Aili Swan, DO
Inside this issue: Naomi Briones, MD
Feature: Should I stay or should I go? Choosing a career path after residency by Tanya Greywal, MD, FAAD
Race for the Case: Fall 2022 by Hesham Alshaikh, MD, and Alison Bailey, MD
Boards Fodder: Antiseptics and sterilization methods (PDF) by Stephanie Saridakis, DO, and Morgan Amigo, MD
Clinical pearls: Scar revision pearls (PDF) by H. William Higgins II, MD, MBE, FAAD
Resident Life: Mentorship matters by Pallavi Basu, MD
Inside this issue: Naomi Briones, MD
Feature: The road beyond residency: What I wish I’d known by Dean Monti, MFA
Race for the Case: Summer 2022 by Marely Santiago-Vázquez, MD, and Xavier Sánchez, MDFAAD, is an
Boards Fodder: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (PDF) by Kristina M. Lim, DO, Emily Chea McEldrew, DO, and Cynthia L. Bartus, MD, FAAD, FACMS
Clinical pearls: Patch test pearls (PDF) by Peggy Wu, MD, MPH, FAAD, and Marjorie Montanez-Wiscovich, MD, PhD, FAAD
Resident Life: Boston and beyond! Residents buzz about AAD meetings by Morgan Murphrey, MD, MS
Inside this issue: Naomi Briones, MD
Feature: The boards: What to expect, by Brian J. Simmons, MD, FAAD\
Race for the Case: Spring 2022 by François Lagacé, MD, and Zeinah AlHalees, MD
Boards Fodder: Electrical Hemostasis by Michael J. Visconti, DO, Zac Zheng, DO, and Kent J. Krach, MD, FAAD
Clinical pearls: Infantile hemangioma by Latanya T. Benjamin, MD, FAAD, FAAP
Resident Life: Bonding is a ladder to success at UVA by Diana Mannschreck, MD
Inside this issue: Taylor Gray, DO
Feature: A deeper dive into contracts for residents, by Dan Shay, Esq
Race for the Case: Winter 2021 by Rahul Nanda, MD, and Zeinah AlHalees, MD
Boards Fodder: Merkel cell carcinoma (PDF) by Abdulhadi Jfri, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FAAD, and Catherine Pisano, MD, FAAD
Clinical pearls: Alopecia areata (PDF) by Maria Hordinsky, MD, FAAD
Resident Life
Inside this issue: Taylor Gray, DO
Feature: Legal ease for residents: Social media by Daniel F. Shay, Esq
Race for the Case: Fall 2021 by Jessica Lu, MD, and Zeinah AlHalees, MD
Boards Fodder: Dermatologic adverse events from immune checkpoint inhibitors by Taylor Gray, DO, and Lisa Fronek, DO
Boards Fodder extra! Infantile hemangioma by By Jessica Lu, MD, and Zeinah AlHalees, MD
Resident Life: Serving those in need in Omaha by Alfredo Siller Jr, MD
Inside this issue: Taylor Gray, DO
Feature: Secrets of effective research by Dean Monti, MFA
Race for the Case: Summer 2021 by Zeinah AlHalees, MD, and AlReem Al-Nabti, MD
Boards Fodder: Dermatopathologic external agents and artifacts (PDF)
Clinical pearls: Optimizing the genital exam for yourself and your female patients by Bethanee Schlosser, MD, PhD
Resident Life: Florida residents “serve” the public, by Angelia Stepien, DO
Inside this issue: Taylor Gray, DO
Feature: Remote control: Tips for a successful virtual interview
Race for the Case: Spring 2021 by Angelia Stepien, DO, and Blake Robbins, DO
Boards Fodder: Infestations: scabies and pediculosis
Clinical pearls: Endpoints in laser surgery by Victor Ross, MD
Master the Rule of O’s
Resident Life: Start-up mentality
Inside this issue: Janice Ma, MD
Feature: The journey goes on – staying involved after residency
Boards Fodder: Soft tissue fillers, part 1: biodegradable
Clinical pearls: Eczematous diseases by Andrew F. Alexis, MD, MPH
Resident Life: Speaking didactics
Race for the Case: Winter 2020 by Julia Escandon Brehn, MD, PhD
Inside this issue: Rachel Wheatley, MD
Feature: Developing a learning style by Sharon Jacob, MD
Boards Fodder: Cutaneous smooth muscle tumors (PDF download)
Clinical pearls: Laser considerations (PDF download) by Anna Ortiz, MD
Resident Life: Caring for their own
Race for the Case: Fall 2020 by Angelia Stepien, DO, and Preetha Kamath, MD
Inside this issue: Rachel Wheatley, MD
Feature: Top five financial strategies for dermatology residents
Boards Fodder: Grafts
Clinical pearls: Pearls for phototherapy
Resident Life: A global pandemic – a global response
Inside this issue: Meet the new resident advisors
Feature: Moving beyond residency
Boards Fodder: Genetic mutations
Boards Fodder (online exclusive): Testable fibrous and fibrohistiocytic proliferations of the skin: Facts and buzzwords
Clinical pearls: Pearls for autoimmune bullous dermatoses
Resident Life: Breakfast beats burnout
Race for the Case: Spring 2020
Inside this issue: Tara Oetken, MD
Feature: Coding basics for residents: diagnostic and procedural coding
Boards Fodder: Head and neck lesions of the infant
Boards Fodder (online exclusive): Biologics update 2019
Clinical pearls: Pediatric considerations
Race for the Case: Winter 2019
AAD Annual Meeting in Denver: preview for residents
Inside this issue: Tara Oetken, MD
Feature: Coding basics: What residents need to know
Boards Fodder: Non-syndromic ichthyoses
Clinical pearls: Starting out in dermatopathology
Resident Life Hack: Embracing change
Race for the Case: Fall 2019
Inside this issue: Tara Oetken, MD
Feature: Navigating your first employment contract
Boards Fodder: Skin grafts
Clinical pearls: Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
Resident Life Hack: UMass Skin Cancer Screenings
Race for the Case: Summer 2019
Inside this issue: Tara Oetken, MD
Feature: Passing the hurdles of journal publication
Boards Fodder: Surgical instruments
Clinical pearls: Contact dermatitis
Resident Life Hack: Like minds
Race for the Case: Spring 2019
Inside this issue: Tara Oetken, MD
The power of service
Boards Fodder: Vaccines in dermatology
Career Case Study: Academic dermatology
Time Saving Tip: The art of pairing
Act now! Service opportunities for residents
Pregnant pause: The expected (and unexpected) aspects of expecting during residency
Boards Fodder: Disorders of dyschromia (hypo- and hyperpigmentation)
Career Case Study: Dermatopathology
Child care during residency: what you should know
Disability Insurance 101
Boards Fodder: infectious diseases of genitalia
Career Case Study: Pursuing a career path in surgery
Driving and didactics: Making the most of travel time
Gaining clinical confidence
Boards Fodder: Biopsy techniques
Career case study: Pursuing a career in a hospital environment
Resident Life Hack: A healthy support system
Avoid these mistakes for a blemish-free resume
The life of a Mohs specialist
Boards Fodder: Photosensitivity Disorders
Where are you in the resident life cycle?
Boards Fodder: Danger Zones and Relevant Anatomy
The growth of the cosmetic career path
All things considered — a primer on contracts for residents
Boards Fodder: Monitoring Systemic Dermatology Medications
The pediatric dermatology career path
Self-made financial health
Boards Fodder: Update in Melanoma Therapies
Career Case Study: Medical Dermatology
Prioritizing debt: What to pay off first
Pedicures and publications: Keeping up on evidence-based medicine
Reaction patterns: Boards study tips
New Boards Fodder: Granulomas
Join Camp Discovery Residents Challenge
Learning how to learn
New Boards Fodder: Flaps
Registration open: 2016 Legislative Conference
Keeping financially afloat during residency
New Boards Fodder: Neonatal Ichthyosis & Infectious Diseases
Seeing double: Adapting resident pathology for the big (and small) screen
Boards Fodder: Most Common Cutaneous Metastasis
Changes in reimbursement are coming, are you prepared?