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AAD Annual Meeting Registration Scholarship Program

The AAD’s International Affairs Committee offers attendance scholarships to international dermatologists to encourage their participation at the Academy’s Annual Meeting. Dermatologists from all countries (with the exception of the United States and Canada) are eligible to apply, with a limit of two applicants per country.

Applications for the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting are now closed

Applications for the 2026 AAD Annual Meeting will reopen in May 2025.

Please send me an email reminder when the application opens.

Award: The scholarships include complimentary meeting registration, admission to one ticketed half-day course, and an invitation to attend the International Scholarship Recipient Reception and Dinner, as well as the International Member Reception.


  • You must be a board-certified dermatologist.

  • Applicants must be nominated by their National Dermatological Society. If there is no national society, a letter from applicant’s current director will be accepted.

  • Officers are required to submit an online recommendation form for each applicant (up to two per country).

  • You are not eligible if you have already received an in-person AAD Scholarship.

If you are a dermatological society and would like to nominate a member for this scholarship, contact Sami Patel at sapatel@aad.org.

If you are an applicant and would like to apply, please contact your national dermatological society.
