Directions in Residency
DermWorld Directions in Residency is published quarterly by the Academy. The publication includes features that will help you make the most of your residency experience and prepare you for the next stages of your career.
Residents: Do you have good content for DermWorld Directions in Residency? A Boards Fodder chart, a Race for the Case submission, or other content? Check out the submission guidelines (PDF) and email Victoria Houghton.
Spring 2025: DermWorld Directions in Residency
Feature: Unveiling the complexities of cutaneous drug eruptions in skin of color by Layan Al-Sukhni, MD, Nicolette Glidden, MD, and Tejesh Patel, MD. FAAD
Race for the Case: Spring 2025 by Bryan Daines, DO
Boards Fodder: Approach to longitudinal melanonychia (PDF) by Vixey Silva, DO, Kendall Buchanan, MD, FAAD, and Ashfaq Marghoob, MD, FAAD
Clinical Pearls: Vitiligo Pearls for residents (PDF) by John E. Harris, MD, PhD, FAAD
Inside this issue: Anisha Guda, MD

The AAD has created a resident timeline to help you facilitate improved learning, career building, and research study during your dermatology residency.

Access more than 100 study charts for residents.
Access insider tips from dermatologists to help residents choose a subspecialty.
Get top tips from experts about key information residents should know before they begin their careers in practice.
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