4 infection fighters to avoid if your child has eczema
What to avoid
If your child has eczema, dermatologists recommend that you avoid the 4 infection fighters on the do-not-use list below.

When a child has eczema, dermatologists often recommend that parents avoid the treatments on this do-not-use list.
Do-not-use list
Antibiotics applied to the skin
Antiseptics applied to the skin
Antibacterial soaps and body washes
Antibacterial bath additives, including antibacterial bath oils
While some children who have eczema get frequent skin infections, dermatologists have found that the above products:
Do not help clear a skin infection.
Do not reduce the risk of getting a skin infection.
Can worsen eczema.
Can irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction.
Bleach bath therapy can help reduce skin infections
If your child gets frequent skin infections, your dermatologist may recommend a treatment that sounds downright scary. It is called bleach-bath therapy. To use it, you add a bit of bleach to your child’s bath.
Studies show that this treatment can be safe and effective for children with moderate to severe eczema.
If your child’s dermatologist recommends bleach bath therapy, you would add a small amount of bleach to your child's bath as follows:
Standard-sized bathtub (full)
When you fill the tub until the water reaches the overflow drain, as shown in this picture, you add:
- 1/2 cup of regular (not concentrated) bleach

Standard-sized bathtub (1/2 full)
When you fill the tub halfway, you add:
- 1/4 cup of regular (not concentrated) bleach

Baby (or toddler) bathtub
Fill the tub as you normally do, adding:
- 1 teaspoon of regular (not concentrated) bleach for each gallon of water
Unsure how many gallons the tub holds? Check with your child’s dermatologist before adding bleach.

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Eichenfield, LF, Tom WL, et al. “Part 2: Guidelines of Care for the Management and Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis with Topical Therapies.” J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Jul;71(1):116-32.
Last updated: 3/11/21