What can help a child manage eczema triggers at school?
Going to school with eczema can be difficult. If your child has visible eczema or scratches often, other children — and even adults — may mistakenly believe your child has a contagious disease. Some kids may tease or bully a child with eczema.
If eczema kept your child awake the night before, your child can be tired. Fatigue may make it more difficult to participate in school activities.
With a bit of planning, however, children with eczema can go to school and do well.
Find school triggers
Children who have eczema can start school when they reach school age. A plan that helps your child avoid triggers can help.

What you can do
A bit of planning and preparation can help your child feel more comfortable. Dermatologists recommend that parents:
Follow your child’s eczema treatment plan to help control the eczema.
Learn what triggers your child’s eczema and develop a plan to help your child avoid these triggers at school.
Make sure your child’s teachers know that your child has eczema. Talk with them about any special accommodations that your child may need. For example, your child may need to apply moisturizer or to sit several feet from heat sources like radiators.
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Eichenfield LF, Tom WL, et al. “Guidelines of care for the management of atopic dermatitis.” J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Feb;70:338-51.
Lewis-Jones S. “Quality of life and childhood atopic dermatitis: The misery of living with childhood eczema.” Int J Clin Pract. 2006 Aug;60:984-92.
Staab D, Diepgen TL, et al. “Age related, structured educational programmes for the management of atopic dermatitis in children and adolescents: multicentre, randomised controlled trial.” BMJ 2006 Apr 22;332:933-8.