What is psoriasis?
What is psoriasis?
This condition develops when the body makes skin cells too quickly, causing skin cells to pile up and form visible patches or spots on the skin.
Is psoriasis contagious? No

Psoriasis causes the body to produce skin cells in days rather than weeks. Here’s what else you should know about this common condition.

Each type of psoriasis has its own unique look. These pictures show you what each type tends to look like.

What you see and where it appears vary with the type of psoriasis you have. Find out how each type differs.

You cannot get psoriasis from shaking hands or even swimming in the same pool with someone who has psoriasis. Find out why.

These two conditions can look alike. Watch as board-certified dermatologist Amy Paller, MD, FAAD, explains how these differ.

Psoriasis can look contagious. In this video, a board-certified dermatologist shows you what he does to convince people that it’s not.