Living with rosacea? How to reduce your risk of other conditions
Having rosacea may increase your risk of developing other diseases. That’s according to findings from several studies. These diseases include diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn’s disease, and migraine headaches.
Although studies have found an increased risk of developing some diseases, dermatologists caution that many people who have rosacea never develop any of these diseases. Before we can say with certainty that rosacea increases the risk of getting these diseases, more research is needed.
Until then, it can be helpful to know:
How researchers found these risks
What you can do to reduce your risk of getting another disease
How researchers found these risks
These research studies were conducted by looking at medical records. In looking at the records, researchers discovered that patients with rosacea were more likely to be diagnosed with certain diseases than patients who did not have rosacea.
What the medical records could not tell the researchers is whether the patients who had rosacea and another disease also made some unhealthy lifestyle choices.
It’s possible that their lifestyle choices rather than the rosacea increased their risk of developing other disease. For example, did the patients with rosacea who developed another disease eat an unhealthy diet? Were they getting little or no exercise?
The studies also could not tell us whether the rosacea itself caused patients to develop other diseases.
Until we know more, dermatologists recommend the following.
What you can do to reduce your risk of getting another disease
While unhealthy lifestyle choices can increase your risk of developing another disease, healthy lifestyle choices can reduce that risk.
Here are 10 lifestyle choices that dermatologists recommend.
According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), people who have a healthy, balanced diet primarily eat fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, legumes (includes beans and nuts), and lean proteins. They limit foods and beverages that contain added sugar, saturated fat, or sodium.
How it helps: Good nutrition can help prevent diseases linked to rosacea, including diabetes and heart disease.
Find out what weight is healthy for you. To get an estimate, you can use the BMI calculator.
Eat a healthy balanced diet, eating just the right amount to get to (or stay at) your healthy weight. You’ll learn what makes a meal healthy at Healthy Eating Plans.
Stay at your healthy weight. Advice for doing this is given at Maintain a Healthy Weight for Life.
How it helps: Being overweight increases your risk of developing many diseases linked to rosacea, including diabetes and heart disease.
With a bit of planning, you can limit flare-ups due to exercise. To reduce the redness, you can:
Drink plenty of cool water during your workout
Work out in a cool place
Decrease the intensity of your workout
How it helps: Exercise can reduce your risk of developing many diseases linked to rosacea, including diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and depression. It can also help you lose weight.
How it helps: Stopping smoking greatly decreases your risk of developing diseases linked to rosacea, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
How it helps: Drinking more than the amount indicated (1 drink per day if you’re a woman and 2 drinks per day if you’re a man) increases your risk of developing many diseases linked to rosacea, including heart disease, dementia, and diabetes.
How it helps: Stress is linked to many diseases. Another benefit of reducing stress is that if stress triggers your rosacea, learning how to manage stress can also help reduce rosacea flare-ups.
Reduce stress
A survey conducted by the National Rosacea Society revealed that 3/4s of the respondents said that they were able to decrease flare-ups by managing their stress.

How it helps: Treating your rosacea can reduce its severity. Treatment can also prevent the rosacea from worsening. Because rosacea is caused by inflammation as are many other diseases, it’s possible that controlling rosacea could reduce the risk of developing other diseases. More research is needed to know for sure.
How it helps: Having healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels can reduce your risk of developing heart disease, having a stroke, and getting diabetes.
You also want to look for changes to your skin. The following warning signs show you how to do this for three diseases that may be linked to rosacea:
How it helps: Finding a disease early can help you manage it and prevent complications.
How it helps: Knowing your risks can help you take action.
Taking good care of yourself has many benefits
As you have just seen, making healthy choices can reduce your risk of developing diseases linked to rosacea. Healthy lifestyle choices can also help you feel better, have more energy, and improve your overall health.
Getty Images
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National Rosacea Society:
“Calm yourself down and your skin may calm with you, research shows.” News release issued Fall 2014. Last accessed October 31, 2018.
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