Melanoma: Life after treatment
If you’ve had melanoma, you have a higher risk of getting another skin cancer, including melanoma. That’s why dermatologists recommend lifelong follow-up. With the right follow-up care you can:
Reduce your risk of getting another skin cancer, including melanoma
Find skin cancer, including melanoma, early when it’s most treatable

Simple changes to help you find skin cancer early and reduce your skin cancer risk.

Find out why melanoma returns, where it can reappear, and how to lower your risk of another one.

Learn why skin self-exams are essential and how to perform one.

When caught early, skin cancer is highly treatable. Download the AAD's body mole map for information on how to check your skin for the signs of skin cancer. Keep track of the spots on your skin and make note of any changes from year-to-year.

Most states limit minors’ access to indoor tanning equipment, such as tanning beds. Find out why and see which states have an access law.

Learning how to check your skin is a valuable life skill. It can help you find skin cancer early when the cancer is highly treatable.