Awareness campaigns
Taking good care of your skin has many benefits. Good skin care can reduce your risk of developing early signs of skin aging and skin cancer. The right skin care routine can decrease redness, lead to fewer breakouts, and give you healthier-looking skin.
To help you get trustworthy, accurate information that you can use, the AAD has created several public awareness campaigns. Learn what you can do to prevent skin cancer, and see healthier-looking skin, hair, and nails.

Rosacea often begins with a tendency to flush or blush more easily than other people and can progress to permanent redness and issues with eyesight.

To help make sun protection a habit, the AAD encourages you to Practice Safe Sun every time you’re outdoors. Follow these tips to protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays and reduce your risk of developing skin cancer.

With treatment, virtually everyone with acne can see clearer skin. To get the best results from your acne treatment, follow these six tips from board-certified dermatologists.

Vitiligo is a disease that causes areas of skin to lose color. Treatment can restore lost skin color. A board-certified dermatologist can help you find your best treatment option.

The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are the root cause of many skin cancers. UV Awareness Month is an ideal time to start examining your skin for skin cancer. Learn how today.

If you’re noticing hair loss, it may seem easiest to hide it. That approach often fails to prevent more hair loss. See what can help.

If you have psoriasis, learning more about it can help you live better with this condition. Psoriasis Awareness Month is the perfect time to increase your know-how.

If you have eczema, take time to learn more about it during Eczema Awareness Month. What you learn could lead to fewer flare-ups or better results from treatment.

It can be tempting to try popular skin care trends. To protect your health, here are the facts dermatologists want you to know about five popular trends.
Featured videos
Skin care tips dermatologists use
Do you ever wonder what skin care tips dermatologists use themselves to maintain healthy skin?
Board-certified dermatologists offer seven skin care tips they recommend to all of their patients in this video.
What to wear to protect your skin from the sun
Seeking shade, applying sunscreen, and wearing sun-protective clothing go a long way in protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.
Dermatologists recommend dressing to protect yourself from the sun by wearing these clothes and accessories.
How to apply sunscreen
Sunscreen can help protect your skin against skin cancer, sunburn, and premature aging. However, it needs to be applied correctly to be effective. To get the protection you need, follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists.
Skin cancer prevention
Follow these tips to protect your skin from the damaging effects of sun exposure and reduce your risk of skin cancer.