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Frequently asked questions

These frequently asked questions provide campers and their families with more information about Camp Discovery.

Can my child's PCP submit the referral form?

Evaluation and referral by a board-certified dermatologist help to make sure that Camp Discovery is the right fit for your child. Use the AAD’s Find a dermatologist tool to locate a dermatologist near you who can submit the referral.

Can I visit my child at Camp Discovery?

We understand how much you care about your child and how important it is to stay connected. Camp Discovery is designed to help both campers and their families grow. While your child is busy making new friends and enjoying fun activities, this time also allows you to have a few days to yourself, knowing they are in good hands. To ensure that both you and your child get the most out of this enriching experience, we ask that parents and guardians refrain from visiting during the camp session.

How can I check in on my camper?

To allow campers to fully engage in the camp experience, phone calls to or from home are discouraged unless there is an emergency. Families may also browse the daily photos uploaded to UltraCamp.

What will my child do if he or she cannot or chooses not to participate in a camp activity?

Our staff and counselors understand that each camper has varying degrees of interest and ability for camp activities. If a camper chooses not to participate in an activity, he or she may be placed in another group during that activity and/or an alternative will be found.

Who should I contact for additional information?

For additional information regarding Camp Discovery, please email Janine Mueller at jmueller@aad.org.

Apply to Camp

Attendance at Camp Discovery requires a dermatologist referral. Share the referral form with your dermatologist, who will submit it to the AAD.

Download Referral Form

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