Good Skin Knowledge Youth Education Program
Welcome to the American Academy of Dermatology’s youth education program, Good Skin Knowledge. The goal is to teach young people the facts about common skin, hair, and nail conditions. Misunderstanding can lead to teasing and bullying, which is associated with anxiety and depression.

These fun, easy-to-use lesson plans teach children important lessons about skin health and help build self-confidence about their skin.

Estos planes de lecciones divertidos y fáciles de usar enseñan a los niños lecciones importantes sobre la salud de la piel y les ayudan a desarrollar confianza en sí mismos acerca de su piel.

The AAD Good Skin Knowledge Community Grant Program is open to community groups, schools, and after school programs to help teach young people the facts about common skin, hair, and nail conditions within their organization. Learn more!