Diane’s personal story
My grandmother and my mother were both diagnosed with melanoma years ago, and based on that I went yearly to the dermatologist for skin checks. Everything was good each visit, so I continued to tan and not wear sunscreen.
In the summer of 2012, I went for my yearly skin check, and the doctor asked me if there were any areas I was concerned about. I pointed to a spot on my neck: It was light brown and about the size of a pencil eraser. The doctor was not initially concerned, but once I indicated it seemed that it was getting larger in a short period of time, she decided to do a biopsy.
After a few weeks the doctor called with the results: It was melanoma. I was shocked but also in denial. The doctor indicated that it was an aggressive form of melanoma and that I needed to see an oncology surgeon immediately. A few weeks after the appointment I was taken into surgery.
I have a 4-inch scar across my neck as a reminder of all of those years in the sun. However, I do feel very fortunate it was caught early and did not have any lymph node involvement.
I still go for my regular skin checks. When speaking to people about my experience, I am always surprised at how many people have never had a skin check and how little they know about how serious skin cancer can be if not caught early. My annual skin check was truly a lifesaver for me!