Free skin cancer screenings with the Latino community
Noe "PSA"
Para ayudar a crear conciencia entre las personas con piel de color, Noe Rozas comparte su historia de cáncer de piel.
(To help raise awareness among people with skin of color, Noe Rozas shares his skin cancer story.)
People of all races and colors can develop skin cancer. When skin cancer develops in people with darker skin, it is often diagnosed at a later stage, especially melanoma. In the late stages, skin cancer can cause complications and even death. However, most skin cancer when caught early, is highly treatable.
The Latino Outreach Program seeks to bring awareness, education, and skin cancer screenings to an underserved population of Latino outdoor workers. The goal is to educate about the risks of prolonged and unprotected exposure to the sun and provide tips on how to prevent and detect skin cancer. Current screening venues include the Ventanillas de Salud within Mexican Consulates along with other community locations such as churches, clinics, and health fairs.
AAD members bring skin cancer screening to underserved Latino farm workers
Dermatologists Antoanella Calame, MD, and Maria Bonilla traveled to Calexico, California to provide free skin cancer screenings. Dr. Calame describes the rewarding story in this first-person account. Read more.

Dermatologists recommend all people examine their skin for signs of skin cancer.
People with dark skin can develop skin cancer in unusual areas such as the palms, soles of the feet and nails. These areas should be examined carefully.
People with dark skin should also examine the mouth and nose.
If you see a new spot or notice any changes in your skin, consult a board-certified dermatologist.
Use the AAD's find a free skin cancer screening tool to find a screening in your area. Spanish-speaking events are indicated in the comments for available screenings.