A great way to highlight important quotes and capture the viewer's attention.
If your page consists mostly of quotes, consider using the white background color for the quotes.
Quotes can be used with or without an image.
Centered layout is better for long quotes as there is no limit for the length of the text.
For centered quotes, the image needs to be square (although the image on the published page renders as a circle).
If aligning left, there is a character limit for quote: Please preview your page.
Large icon quote marks are available for the left aligned quotes.
Example of block quote centered with an image
“Like all forms of design, visual design is about problem-solving, not about personal preference or unsupported opinion.”
─ Bob Baxley
“If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good I am satisfied.”
─ Alfred Nobel
“To create a memorable design, you need to start with a thought that’s worth remembering.”
─ Thomas Manss
“Your customers are your compass. Listen to their frustrations, and they’ll guide you to your next amazing feature.
─ Stephanie Briones
Example of block quote used as a text box without quotation marks
Together, we’re fighting to prevent independent practice by non-physicians
and ensure that your patients know who is treating them and that your expert
medical judgment remains part of their treatment plan.
Example of block quote centered without an image
“To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatize, to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse. To design is to transform prose into poetry.”
─ Paul Rand
Example of left aligned block quote with large quote marks
Each patient case is like a piece of art. You first notice the overall feel of the picture. Then, you analyze the individual elements. And when you talk to the patients, it’s like talking to the artist. You get to ask them personal questions and find out about what contributes to the art.
─ Eliot Mostow, MD, MPH, dermatologist and Manager of the American Academy of Dermatology’s Practice Operations Committee
Example of left aligned block quote with small quote marks
“Be careful about giving in to what your patients want, if you don’t agree. I always say, 'If I would be uncomfortable if this decision ended up on the front of a newspaper, I’m not going to do it'”
─ Sara Dill, MD, Dermatologist and Certified Life Coach