Bringing dermatologic knowledge to young students
Marina Handal is a third-year medical student and Master's in Public Health candidate at The Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine at Nova Southeastern University (NSU-KPCOM). Her sister, Jenna Handal, will begin medical school in the Fall of 2024.
Marina's story
With the generosity of the AAD’s Good Skin Knowledge Grant, my time at The Fuller Center in Boca Raton, Florida was a delightful experience. My sister Jenna and I taught 17 young students the AAD core curriculum on skin health, acne, safe sun habits, and plants and bugs. The kids were so excited and receptive to the four module lessons and the interactive arts and crafts projects. They were extremely engaged in the material, eager to learn, and asked many questions as we drew photos of the sun together and built models demonstrating the different layers of the skin.
One particular memory stands out. After completing our UV bracelets, we went outside to the playground to see the beads change color upon exposure to the sun. The smiles on the children’s faces and the elation that erupted from the group as they showcased their unique designs was an unforgettable moment.
It warmed my heart to see each child shine with joy and curiosity throughout our day together. Even more, the pre- and post-surveys demonstrated the kids’ newfound proficiency in understanding the potential risks of excessive sun exposure and learning how to protect oneself from harmful UV rays and skin irritants.
With the AAD’s Good Skin Knowledge Grant, I am humbled to have played a small role in teaching sun-safe practices to the children of The Fuller Center. Education is the foundation of creating a healthy lifestyle, and the GSK grant allowed me to ensure that these children received an early understanding of this concept. As such, grasping the importance of sun safety and dermatologic health at a young age is instrumental to ensuring the development of healthy habits later in life.
It is truly humbling to have been selected by the AAD to teach these students about topics in my passion of dermatology. I look forward to a career that will not only allow me to counsel patients on dermatologic conditions, but also offer me more volunteer opportunities to educate and explain the importance of taking an active role in one’s skin health.

Marina Handal and Jenna Handal (back, center) were happy to have the opportunity to bring Good Skin Knowledge to the students at The Fuller Center.

Marina Handal (center) used the UV beads to teach students about the importance of protecting skin from the sun.

Jenna Handal (center) enjoyed teaching the Good Skin Knowledge modules.
Support Good Skin Knowledge
The Good Skin Knowledge youth education campaign provides free resources to educators to teach children about acne, skin health, and sun protection. Learn more about how you can get involved.
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