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Support the AAD Teledermatology Program

Throughout the U.S., there are many underserved areas where primary care physicians do not have easy access to dermatologists. Through the AAD Teledermatology Program, these physicians can easily consult with volunteer dermatologists and better serve patients in need. As more clinics sign up and physicians become trained to use this telemedicine platform, vital dermatologic care will be available to increasing numbers of the population.

Support the AAD Teledermatology Program

Donate to support programs that help ensure the future of the specialty, such as the AAD Teledermatology Program.


AAD Teledermatology Program - providing dermatologic expertise to underserved populations through telemedicine

Teledermatology providers icon

20 states have active providers

Teledermatology clinic icon

36 clinics in 21 states, with a reach of 745,000 patients

Icon for support Ventanillas de Salud

Over 300 access points to the Latinx community provided through screenings with the Ventanillas de Salud

Teledermatology icon

Over 60 dermatologists volunteer their expertise and provide telemedicine consultations

You help make a difference

Impact stories

Your support of teledermatology makes an impact on underserved populations. Learn more about the impact of this volunteer program by reading these stories.

Read stories
Jennifer Rho, MD

“As a provider of care for primarily uninsured patients who are also primarily people of color, I am concerned about health disparities and striving to provide high-quality health care. AAD’s teledermatology platform is one tool that we can use to help bridge that gap in access.”

─ Jennifer Rho, MD, who uses the AAD Teledermatology platform to refer patients at Community Health Service, Inc. in Rochester, Minnesota to board-certified dermatologists

David Lortscher, MD, FAAD

“I started working with AAD’s teledermatology program when it first launched in 2012 so I could help patients and primary care providers who don’t have easy access to dermatologists.”

─ David Lortscher, MD, FAAD, AAD Teledermatology Program volunteer

John Strasswimmer, MD, PhD, FAAD, AAD Teledermatology Program volunteer

“The patient’s provider used the AAD Teledermatology Program to send me a concise description and photographs of the patient. I strongly encourage all of my colleagues to volunteer with their local free or sliding scale clinics to provide dermatology services this way. Without the AAD Teledermatology Program, I would not have been able to identify the patient’s tumor and start on the complex path to get him the care he needs.”

─ John Strasswimmer, MD, PhD, FAAD, AAD Teledermatology Program volunteer

Cory Simpson, MD, PhD, FAAD, AAD Teledermatology Program volunteer

“The AAD Teledermatology Program lets me give back to my community, expand access to our specialty, and help disadvantaged patients with a few simple swipes on my smartphone.”

─ Cory Simpson, MD, PhD, FAAD, AAD Teledermatology Program volunteer

Thank you to our generous sponsor

The American Academy of Dermatology gratefully acknowledges support from Sanofi & Regeneron.

Sanofi Regeneron logo
